Spiritual Gifts Inventory

  • Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Survey

    The Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Survey is a discovery tool Spiritual Gifts Test that provides you with a personalized analysis. Not a exam, but a simple questionnaire giving you a profile of your God-given spiritual gifts.

    Discovering and exercising your God-given spiritual gifts allows you to experience maximum fulfillment with minimum frustration in your Christian life and ministry. For that reason, we are pleased to offer this personal Spiritual Gifts Survey to individuals, churches, ministries and organizations.

  • Spiritual Gifts Test

    Welcome friends & fellow believers! Today you will be one step closer to discovering your purpose – and uncovering your God-given Spiritual Gifts.

    When 2020 started, we all had high hopes for the year ahead. If you’re like me, you probably had a list of goals, or New Year’s resolutions you hoped to accomplish. You probably didn’t plan for a worldwide pandemic to interrupt every facet of life as you knew it. Right?

    That’s okay.

    It’s taken me a long time, but I’ve finally learned to trust God’s timing.

    I’m writing this on December 31st, 2020 – the last day of a year where many people faced very hard and unexpected challenges.

    But, challenges and setbacks are always part of life.

    I want you to know, despite the different challenges we are all experiencing, God is still calling you to your purpose.

    If you’re uncertain of what your purpose is – or confused about how to carry out your purpose – you’re in the right place.

    I created this site, and my Spiritual Gifts Test, to help you:

    Identify The Gifts God Has Blessed You With.

    Understand Your Gifts.

    And Finally, Guide You On How To Best Use Your Gifts To Be Of Service To Others – And Bring Glory To God’s Kingdom.

    Before we get started, I wanted to share with you the purpose and calling God has placed on my life. I want you to know this calling often feels impossible to achieve, but I never stop trying, because I know through God – all things are possible.

  • 16 Spiritual Gifts Only Profile

    Spiritual Gifts are supernatural motivations given to every believer. Everyone doesn't receive the same gift. Just as many parts of the human body work together as one, so Spiritual Gifts are given to the Body of Christ to serve as one.

  • S.H.A.P.E. Test

    S.H.A.P.E. Assessment Instructions
    1. Fill out each section below, and try to be as honest with yourself as possible. The goal of this assessment is to Narrow your God Given “S.H.A.P.E.”, down to Your Top 5 Main Focuses/Priorities in Life (With the Top 2 being the 2 Greatest Commands, given by Jesus, to Love God & Love Your Neighbor).

    2. Put your name and email address at the bottom of the form, plus add in an email address of a leader at your Church that can help you discover God’s Path/Will for your life, based upon your God-Given S.H.A.P.E., then click “Submit” (Adding a Leader's email is optional, but highly recommended).

    3. Contact your Church leader so that you can go over your S.H.A.P.E. Profile Results together.

    NOTE: This assessment takes 30-60 minutes, and must be completed in one sitting. ALSO: This Assessment Works Best on a Regular Computer, and not on a Phone.
